

Astrologer / Family and Relationship Counsellor / Social Worker / Healer

Aacharya Vijay Verma was involved in journalism from 1999 to till now . Due to unfavourable circumstances, I also thought to show my horoscope to a renowned astrologer just like other people. Then, I came to know about Late Mr. Sareen, who was a famous astrolger and resident of Chowk, Lucknow. I met him and he gave me much knowledge about ‘Shanidev’. He asked me to join him.

I was associated with numerology since 1995 and with the blessings of ‘Shanideva’, I started studying about planets and stars in 1999. Till now , the condition was such that I got totally inclined towards God, Planets and Stars. I focused myself towards the establishment of ‘URJA-The Astro Energy Center’.

It is named so because in case of unfavourable circumstances, the most important thing required by a person is URJA, i.e,Energy. With the blessings of ‘Shanidev’, today we are associated with thousands of people whose horoscope we have studied and have satisfied them.

Now, I want to work for people in this field and to help them in the same way. JAI SHANIDEV



Swift And Effective Solution Through Healing & Meditation
By AACHARYA VIJAY VERMA +91-9839120810
mail astroguruvijay@gmail.com